I have read about raw food for a couple of years and I became a raw foodist last year. Eating raw food simplifies your vision about life. Complex recipes and tedious cooking tasks are not needed. You needn't a microwave, a gas cooker and so forth. On the other hand, your knowledge about correct nutrition increases, so you put more attention to combining certain foods. You became concerned where the food you eat comes from, whether it's organic or not, how many miles away it comes from and other remarkable issues concerning nutritional quality.
Raw foodists start the digestion process at the chewing phase; you will end up eating a salad for more than half an hour and only ten minutes eating a hamburger! So, raw foodists aren't tired after a meal because a great part of their digestion is already done.
When reading about raw food, one issue really strikes me. After a cooked meal, the number of leucocytes in the blood increase considerably because our bodies think an unknown substance has come in! Cooked food looses many enzymes which are needed to digest the food, so our bodies have to digest it with its own enzymes; this lack of enzymes not only forces our bodies to do the entire job but also decreases our enzyme's reserve. Related to that, if you put attention to nature, you would see that felines, such as lions or tigers, sleep a lot after hunting because a great amount of meat has to be digested. As opposed to this, chimpanzees - our ancestors - eating a raw vegetable based diet during the day, don't need to sleep after a meal to encourage digestion. According to that, our old Spanish tradition of sleeping after lunch -siesta- could be avoided with a raw diet approach.